> gcloud container clusters create work NAME ZONE MASTER_VERSION MASTER_IP MACHINE_TYPE NODE_VERSION NUM_NODES STATUS work us-central1-f 1.2.3 123.456.789.xxx n1-standard-1 1.2.3 3 RUNNING
> gcloud container node-pools list --cluster=work NAME MACHINE_TYPE DISK_SIZE_GB NODE_VERSION default-pool n1-standard-1 100 1.2.3
> gcloud config set container/cluster
> gcloud container node-pools create high-mem --cluster=work --machine-type=custom-2-12288 --disk-size=200 --num-nodes=4
> gcloud container node-pools list --cluster=work NAME MACHINE_TYPE DISK_SIZE_GB NODE_VERSION default-pool n1-standard-1 100 1.2.3 high-mem custom-2-12288 200 1.2.3
> kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS AGE gke-work-high-mem-d8e4e9a4-xzdy Ready 2m gke-work-high-mem-d8e4e9a4-4dfc Ready 2m gke-work-high-mem-d8e4e9a4-bv3d Ready 2m gke-work-high-mem-d8e4e9a4-5312 Ready 2m gke-work-default-pool-9356555a-uliq Ready 1d
> gcloud container node-pools create my-1-2-4-pool --cluster=work --num-nodes=3 --machine-type=n1-standard-4 > gcloud container node-pools list --cluster=work NAME MACHINE_TYPE DISK_SIZE_GB NODE_VERSION default-pool n1-standard-1 100 1.2.3 high-mem custom-2-12288 200 1.2.3 my-1-2-4-pool n1-standard-4 100 1.2.4
> gcloud container node-pools delete default-pool --cluster=work > gcloud container node-pools list --cluster=work NAME MACHINE_TYPE DISK_SIZE_GB NODE_VERSION high-mem custom-2-12288 200 1.2.3 My-1-2-4-pool n1-standard-4 100 1.2.4
> gcloud container clusters create multi-prod --zone us-central1-f --additional-zones=us-central1-a,us-central1-b NAME ZONE MASTER_VERSION MASTER_IP MACHINE_TYPE NODE_VERSION NUM_NODES STATUS multi-prod us-central1-f 1.2.4 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx n1-standard-1 1.2.4 9 RUNNING
> gcloud container node-pools create larger-pool --cluster=multi-prod --num-nodes=2 NAME ZONE MASTER_VERSION MASTER_IP MACHINE_TYPE NODE_VERSION NUM_NODES STATUS multi-prod us-central1-f 1.2.4 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx n1-standard-1 1.2.4 6 RUNNING
# Use a go-template to filter to just the node name and zone. > kubectl get nodes -o go-template='{{ range .items }}{{ .metadata.name }}, {{ index .metadata.labels "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone" }}{{printf "\n"}}{{ end }}' gke-multi-prod-default-pool-29bvd5cf-o73u, us-central1-b gke-multi-prod-default-pool-b14r04c2-blx8, us-central1-c gke-multi-prod-default-pool-ef1gde41-hzx5, us-central1-f gke-multi-prod-larger-pool-6e67u678-etsz, us-central1-c gke-multi-prod-larger-pool-70b6y344-1rz9, us-central1-b gke-multi-prod-larger-pool-8b25kaa0-k1e3, us-central1-f
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